a platform that connects computers worldwide with the Cloud Computing Network

Blockchain has changed the internet. This new and ingenious innovation allows blocks of information and data to be disseminated in the ledger without the involvement of the central authority, but with the basic need that the information must be approved by members. This makes information open and safe. Blockchain innovation can be used for a preferred position in distributed cloud computing which is the reason why the HIVENET project has adopted the use of blockchain in its new project.
Blockchain technology is probably the best development at the moment. You will find about advances or digital currencies. This is possible given the blockchain innovation. In this article, I will initially understand what blockchain innovation is and how it functions and after that I will see how we can connect cloud computing with blockchain innovation which is the main reason for the adoption of blockchain technology in the HIVENET cloud computing project
One of the most disturbing developments, which is rapidly advancing, is the use of blockchain innovation in distributed / cloud computing. Many organizations use distributed storage and benefit from cloud computing innovation. At the point when the ability of the blockchain is added to the mix, the results might disrupt and change the entire industrial area.
Manifest HiveNet
How many hours per day do you really use your computer?
Just imagine that your computer is profitable for the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by giving valuable computing tasks to pay customers to your computer.
All you need is a computer with an internet connection.
HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How? Because many important cost levers that apply to traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) do not apply to HiveNet, because they use the available computer idle time. So, there is no need to invest in new computers, housing and many other operational costs.
HiveNet has an inherent cryptocurrency: HiveCoin. HiveCoins is used to pay for computing power in HiveNet. With this, ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of the few cryptocurrency with real and fundamental value, which provides traders with excellent short-term and long-term opportunities.
HiveNet increases the use of available computers. Thus less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is created.
Also, HiveNet Blockchain uses a very economical Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which saves more resources than most available blockchain.
How it works

The HiveNet User Client is a user-friendly tool and includes a compute, blockchain and wallet software module. This enables easy and user-friendly handling without the need for in-depth technological knowledge.
The HiveNet Blockchain is secured very efficiently
Stake Evidence consensus mechanism. This is specifically optimized for HiveNet and combines high security with fast transactions.
How to buy HiveNet Tokens
All details about the upcoming sales of HiveNet Tokens will be announced at www. H iveNet. In clear right before. If you don’t want to lose the opportunity to participate, make sure you register for our e-mail newsletter and / or follow our social media channels.

by ; zaka72
Ethereum address: 0x00B4Bf3217035A33b3154792DBB5BaDb517EF5De
Ethereum address: 0x00B4Bf3217035A33b3154792DBB5BaDb517EF5De
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